
Messy buns and ripped jeans

-It's all about blogging-



My top 19 favourite YouTube videos|-E

Hey guys ❤

How are you?

So,these days I have stuck in YouTube watching funny videos different youtubers make (and diy videos but we aren’t talking about this right now)..So I thought I’d show you some of my top favourites,cause why not?You may have some hard times,having problems or being stressed about something and you just wanna laugh and forget about everything so that’s why YouTube videos are for (most of them)

I won’t put them in an order because every one of them has different themes so I can’t judge them all the same.

1.Yoga Challenges-Zoella & Pointless Blog


Those two Yoga Challenges are both hillarious!!In the first one it’s Zoe (Zoella) and Caspar (Caspar Lee) and in the second one it’s Zoe again (Zoella) and Alfie (Pointless Blog).

Watch the first one: here

Watch the second one: here

2.Youtuber Whispers-ThatcherJoe


All the Youtuber Whispers are great and funny but I believe this one is the best!!

Watch it: here

3.A week in Paradise-MyLifeAsEva

mn '

Eva went to Bahamas and she did a video about her trip and it’s amazing!!Now I want to go to Bahamas too :/

Watch it: here

4.Iceland Travel Diary-Aspyn Ovard


Aspyn travelled a lot lately and she made many videos about the places she went to.You should watch all of them but in my opinion the Iceland one is the best!!

Watch it: here

5.Road Trip Ready!-Bethany Mota


She made a video to help you get ready and be well prepared if going on a road trip!!

Watch it: here

6.How to get out of a rut-Kalyn Nicholson


Kalyn is the best at giving advice and helping you get through something!This video will definitely help you if you are not that happy.

Watch it: here

7.Beach Lookbook-Erin Rose


I recently discovered her channel and I really love it!!She does amazing videos and she deserves wayyy more subscribers so if could please have a look at a channel?This lookbook is amazing cause she has a great style!!

Watch it: here

8.Running through my city in a banana costume-Fetching tigerss


Hahahah this video is soo funnyy!!Annegien walks in her city in her banana costume giving bananas to everyone :”’)))

Watch it: here

9.My fashion Vlog-Rosiecheecksandfreckles


First of all,she looks like Kylie Jenner!Kelsey is soo pretty!!Second of all I really really like her YouTube name.And her style.And her videos. :p

Watch it: here

10.How I edit my instagram pictures-thatsyana


She is really tumblr and has a great insta account!!

Watch it: here

11.OOTW:Start of Spring-SimplyAlisa


She is the sister of thatsyana and both have great style!!

Watch it: here

12.Tumblr inspired tutorial-okaysage


Why is everyone’s thumbnail always on point and they all look so pretty and I can’t even take a selfie because my hand is shaking? :p

Watch it: here

13.How to:Double Dutch Braid Kim K inspired-Roxxsaurus


Admit it you always wanted to have Kim Kardashian’s braid!Or am I the only one?

Watch it: here

14.How to be confident-berrypinklips


The title says it all..

Watch it: here

15.Diy tumblr room decor-Hayley Williams


Believe me you wont find better diy room decor videos than those in her channel!!

Watch it: here

16.Diy summer projects-Sierra Furtado


So that you make sure you wont get bored this summer!!

Watch it: here

17.What I do on V-day-Meredith Foster


Doesn’t have to be Valentine’s day to watch..

Watch it: here

18.Telephone Challenge-Wassabi Productions


Can’t even tell you how much I laughed watching this videoo..

Watch it: here

19.How to become Miranda-Tyler Oakley


In this video Bethany and Tyler try to become like Miranda Sings and it’s soo funny!!

Watch it: here


This was the post!Would you want me to make more posts like that?Or should I make a video with my favourite youtubers??Let me know!

I really hope you liked it!!If you did click the like button and if you want to get a notification every time we post on our blog (or if you just want to help us) click the follow button!! ❤

See you next time ❤


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Festival Guide!Essentials,outfits|-E

Hello!!So as you probably already know since summer is around the corner so are the festivals!I believe Coachella has already started and I am jealous (in a good way) of everyone that is there!!If you are going to be at a festival soon then I am going to help you find the right essentials and some good outfits or what clothe to get with you in general!! 🙂

Lets do this!!


It’s really important to get some specific things with you!

In your backpack you should have:

  • Hair ties
  • A flower crown (not that necessary but still a thing :p )
  • Camera -to capture the moments..better get a small digital one so that you wont loose it
  • Portable charger
  • Hair accessories (optional)
  • Sunscreen or body lotion
  • A jacket or a sweater -in case it gets cold-
  • Lip balm



The first outfit is a plain white tee,denim shorts and a floral kimono..Perfect for spring and summer!!


A sweater and some patterned shorts!


Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

A floral shirt,denim shorts,a bow and some knee-high socks!!


For the separate clothes we have some t-shirts that are really summery (someone should put that word in a dictionary!! :p ) and some shorts that have a lot of patterns on them!!

This was the post for today!!I really hope it gave you some inspiration and I hope you have a lot of fun if you are going to any festival!! ❤ If you are let me know 🙂



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Welcome 2016!

Heyyy!!First actual post of 2016!!I am saying actual because I posted a happy new years post but that’s not an actual post.This is! Did you understand?I didn’t :””)))

Anywayy,have you made you 2016 Resolutions -I prefer calling them goals- for 2016??I have and it’s my first year of writing them.

My resolutions are:

  • Make to-do list whenever I can (I hope almost every day)
  • Be more organised
  • Write more (even a journal)
  • Be more confident ( I am really shy)
  • Drink more water
  • Make the most of every day
  • Take more photos

Those were mine!!Leave your in the comments in case I find that I need to put something more in mine 🙂

xoxo,-not gossip girl :p –



What to do when bored|Holiday edition

Heyyy!!R u good??

Christmas is only about 8 days awayy and I can’t tell you how excited I am right now :))) So even though Christmas is the best time of the year -for me- sometimes you can get a little board but don’t worry cause I am gonna tell you 16 things you can do this Christmas to have an awesome time.Some of those are not just about Christmas but I thought I’d put them together :))

Here we gooo:

1.Make hot chocolate

Of coursee!!It’s sooo easy to make and it’s a must for those Christmassy cold movie nights (these days christmassy is the word that I use the most and it doesn’t even exist LOL :”))) )

2.Go on a roadtrip

Get some friends (one of them must know how to drive safe) and go somewhere near you and sit,maybe have a picknick..If you don’t know anyone who drives you can still go somewhere near just by walking 🙂

3.Have a movie night


Grab your best friend,get your hot chocolate,put your favorite movie and enjoy..It’s one of the best thing to do in Winter.I will have a movie night probably this Saturday!!

4.Bake Christmas cookies

If you don’t know how to cook -like me- you can take the pack with the cookies that the only thing you gotta do is put them in the oven.Just have someone adult look at you for more safety..

5.Watch the sunset

I don’t know why but I feel like this year had the best sunsets I’ve ever seen.Do you agree?

6.Take photos

This year I realised I really like photography and I wanted to tell you to like try getting some photos and you might find that you like it too..

7.Try something new

You may always wanted to sign in that dance class or an art class but you never did.Now it’s the time to do it.Just go and do whatever you haven’t tried yet or even give some second chances to those things you tried only one but you rejected them.You may be surprised how fun they could be.

8.Holiday room decor

What are you waiting for to put up those christmas lights and all those christmas decorations.The best time is now!I even did a Holiday room decor post..


9.Write a book/Journal


If you are still a teen you have a loooot of imagination so don’t hold it in there.Put it in a paper.But if you are an adult it means that you have more ecperiences so you still can write something great.

If you don’t want to write a book just keep a journal.I heard that it really helps you with anxiety and it can also make you get everything out of you.



I remember making lots of collages when I was younger.Just take some magazines and start cutting everything that you like and then stick them on a piece of paper or put them on your wall like I did.Ahh it’s such an inspiration!!If you want to make it more christmas looking just find christmas photos 😉

11.Give your help to someone that needs it

That’s not something you should do only when you are bored but I wanted to tell you about this.Christmas is all about giving and not getting.Out there there are some people that really need your help so just do something for them.You can make sandwitches or cookies and give them to everyone who needs them.You will make two people happyy..the person who got it and yourself!!

12.Go to a thematic park

Ahh I just love this idea.You are gonna have sooo much fun if you do it!

13.2016 Goal list

Make a list of everything you wanna achieve the new year.Mayb study more,blog or make youtube videos more,reade more books,be happier,excersice more or whatever you want.

14.Happy list

The happy list as I call it is a list that you make about everything that made you happy the year that passed (I mean 2015 :p ).All the memorable moments that in some years you’ll want to go back and smile about!!


Even if you are not a youtuber just grab a camera or your phone and start filming everything.I am vlogging even if I am not gonna upload them for youtube.I just wanna have something to remember..

16.Say something

2015 is almost done so you don’t want to leave anything that you love behind.Just say a sorry to someone you heart or you had a fight with or a thank you to all those people who were by your side this year or an I love you,it can be the boy that you like or a friend or some relative and lastly forgive someone.Everything takes only some minutes -maybe- but it can make you soo happy after.Just find the persons that you wanna take with you in the new year :))

This was it!!It took me some time but I am really happy with the result.Tell me if you have some more suggestions!!


Byee ❤








Christmas music|My christmas playlist🎅🏻🎧

Helloo! (not from the other side :p) So you know what Christmas music is!ONE OF THE BEST THINGS ABOUT CHRISTMASSSSS!!!You don’t have to find new music on spotify and check on Jb’s and Ariana Grande’s new albums.You just have to click play on  the christmassy playlist on spotify and you are good to go!

As every other christmas lover I make a new playlist every Christmas!I thought I’d show you mine.It’s not full yet because I want to find some new christmas music so if you have some recommendations please let me know 🙂 This playlist includes -of course- the classic songs like jingle bells but it also has some more modern songs..

My Christmas playlist is:

  • Holly Jolly Christmas by Michael Buble
  • Cold December Night by Michael Buble
  • Santa Claus is coming to town by Justing Bieber
  • Shake up Christmas by Train
  • Christmas (baby please come home) by Mariah Carey
  • All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey
  • Christmas (baby please come home) by Michael Buble
  • All I want for Christmas is you by Michael Buble
  • Last Christmas by Wham
  • Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano
  • Deck the rooftop by Glee cast
  • All I want for Christmas is you by Justin bieber and Mariah Carey
  • Santa tell me by Ariana Grande
  • White Christmas by Bing Crosby
  • Merry Christmas Everyone by Shakin’ Stevens

This was it!How many of those songs do you know?I found all of them on Spotify so you can too if you want to listen to them 🙂

I hope you liked this post about my music and leave your suggestions about other posts you want to see in the comments below 🙂

Byeee :))))


A list to make you happy+Make others happy

Hello guys!!I’m here with another post about happiness and you might think that I make a lot of these kind of posts and that’s because happiness is a really powerful emotion!! A photo on tumblr and an idea from nowhere. So,some days ago I was on tumblr (like where else would I be :p ) and I found this pic tumblr_nqf1vsunOr1qzjqrio1_1280 Whoever made this,is really smart..This way is really helpful and time-worthy.But my brain stopped and could only think about the first sentence..And I thought this would be a really nice post and help a lot of people and then I remembered that I made a same list and posted it on my blog but why don’t I use it as something to help me? Yepp this is a perfect idea..That’s what you have to do..Make a list of things that make you happy and I suggest you to make one with things that make you sad too!And then make a new daily program/routine..See the things that can be changed (not school girl/ can’t stop going to school)..And then with the free hours you have from the things you crossed and threw in the rubbish bin put some things that make you happy!!And baaamm you have some cool things in your day!!I think it’s an amazing idea and I’m gonna do it and you will too (I mean I don’t push you if you don’t want but come on who doesn’t want to be happy?).Let me know if you want to see my new routine (after I’ve changed some things) in the next post!! Now let’s talk about happiness with a quote we all hear but don’t know if it’s true..Let’s see together what it is.. Happiness is a choice? How many times have you heard this quote or see it online (facebook,instagram,tumblr,we heart it….) A lot of people say it but is it true?Everyone has their own opinion about it. My opinion?What do I believe? I think that sometimes it’s true and sometimes it’s not.Sometimes you can just change some things to bring back the happiness but some times you just can’t..Most of people believe in something (I think)..maybe in God or in karma or in fate or in something else.So these are the times that you can’t change anything because it’s impossible.There are some really powerful things that you can’t beat..that’s what I believe..Let me know what you believe in the comments below 🙂 Make others happy? So another thing that can make you happy but can make other people too is a plus,isn’t it?And a diy is also a plus because you spend more time on something else than being bored.You have seen this somewhere,haven’t you? tumblr_lhs4gcX4y81qak36ro1_500 Dont pretend like you haven’t! (:p) Diy just take a paper and copy the things that you see in the photo,on your paper..If you are too lazy to diy one (like me :p ) you can print it out from here: Then put it on your wall and everyday you will wake up and take one and it will remind you to be happy 🙂 since you will be happy why not to make others happy with the same trick..Take one of these papers and put it somewhere everybody can see it and leave it there…then the next day go and see how many are there left and after that come here and leave a comment telling me if people took some and how many..and then (yeahh I know it’s a long wayy) you can cross one thing out of your bucketlist 🙂 ☑make other people happy I look forward to see your comments and find out if you someone is happy 🙂 Thank you for reading this post..I really hope you liked it!See you really soon!!Byeee ❤ xx,-E watercolor_23_by_SadMonkeyDesign_resεσμε

Monthly obsessions|June favorites

Hellooo guys ❤ Wazzup?This is my first ”month favorites” post..I see it in a lot of YouTube videos (and not only) and I thought I’d like to write one.Soo this is my June favorites (since June is gone sooo fast) 🙂 Also,before you read it I want you to know that I’m sorry of you don’t like the quality of the photos but it was dark and I took them at night and the camera was playing games with me..soo yepp..Shall we start?


Metallic flash tattoos

I got some flash tattoos yesterday and I like them sooo much!!

If you wonder why some are's because before i put them on me i got some photos but my camera decided to delete them without my permission so I got some new photos after
If you wonder why some are missing…it’s because before i put them on me i got some photos but my camera decided to delete them without my permission so I got some new photos after..
This is the flash tatto I did on my finger!!
This is the flash tattoo I did on my finger!!

Beach bag

This is the beach bag I got today and it has hindi patterns on it and it’s wonderfull<33

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Nail polishes

Since It’s summer I want more light colors for my nails so I got these pink and blue nail polishes..


Hair|Hair accesories

Flower Crown

I got this flower crown for Spring but I still use it..



They aren't in really bright colors but I like them
They aren’t in really bright colors but I like them

Hair ties

I wear them a lot when I do braided hairstyles (I have a lot of hair so they can’t hold my hair in a ponytail) and I also use wear them on my hand because the patterns are amazing!!

Let's take a moment to realize how cute this hair ties are *_*
Let’s take a moment to realize how cute this hair ties are *_*


Soo I really like seeing girls with curls on Summer so I sometimes decide to do on my hair


Diys|Room Decor

I made this colorful stick after I saw it on a YouTube video



I tend to use it as a necklace holder becausee...why not?
I tend to use it as a necklace holder becausee…why not?

Blue water kind of thing

I don’t know how to call it but I wouldn’t call it as a diy at all…I just took a jar filled it with water and pour blue food coloring inside and put the flower crown outside

Ignore the jar with the chargers behind :p
Ignore the jar with the chargers behind :p

Money Jar

Before making this jar I had coins everywhere in my room…isnide boxes and purses and backpacks..Everywher except from wallets so I took a jar and I used it as a money holder..

It says let's go on an adventure on it
It says let’s go on an adventure on it


Soo I don’t know why I made a different category for notebooks but I don’t think they fit anywhere else

Everything that has a dear on it is cute..just saying
Everything that has a dear on it is cute..just saying
look at these cute little hearts that it has on one side
look at these cute little hearts that it has on one side



Like okeyy..favorite category..cause it’s food


So these pancakes are healthy (I mean they were before I put the melted chocolate on them :p ) and they taste amazing





Okeyy nerds is a classic..I mean they aren’t just June favorites..They are year favorites




Infinity bracelet and mustache one?likee you have to buy they are in pink
Infinity bracelet and mustache one?likee you have to buy they are in pink..

Oreo necklace

Oreo necklace?Like whaaat??It's sooo cute..I love it
Oreo necklace?Like whaaat??It’s sooo cute..I love it

The I don’t know where to put it category

Together let’s list

For those who don’t know what this list is…It’s a list with things you do with others people (I think it’s for couples)

You can see that some are covered and that's why I will do this why my best friend but you can search for the whole list on google
You can see that some are covered and that’s why I will do this why my best friend but you can search for the whole list on google


I planned two outfits but my mom decided to put the first in the washer soo :p

10430492_1107808669233881_8646490416776797334_n 11705146_1107808839233864_2265159277262434108_n

The button up jean jacket is from Zara

The Shirt is from H&M i think

I put on some black leggings

And the shoes are from Adidas


Like where do we go without some good music?

Most of the songs aren't new but...
Most of the songs aren’t new but…

Soo this was the post 🙂 Although it’s my first time doing this post and I thought it would be really time-spending and difficult it was really fun ❤ I hope you liked this post and let me know if you liked it and also tell me 3 of your june favorites in the comments below…See you in my next post…Byeeee ❤



1 month of Blogging+not posting about 4rth of July?


Hiii!! So,this isn’t a post like the others we upload..It’s more like an update..kind of
One month of blogging :)))
Soo it’s not actually today..Ιt’s in two days but anyway we wanted to tell you a big Thank Υou for all your visits and likes and comments and for reading our posts..we are so happy to know that some people care about what we write 😀 soo THANK YOU!!
Why not blogging about 4rth of July?
Soo some of you may have noticed that we haven’t done a post about 4rth of July and (unfortunately)we wont..that’s because we aren’t from America and we don’t know much about this..soo that’s why :/ but continue coming to our blog because we will continue posting :’)) Next post probably tomorrow or the day after (depends on the time we have to prepare it)

Byeee!!Love u guys♥♥
xx,-O & -E

Trick to start your day positively ;)

Hiii ❤ One of the things I like to write most on this blog are the posts that can help you in someway..I feel really happy knowing that some of you read those posts and some may followed my advice!!Today’s post will be another helpful (I hope) post,because I believe that happiness is one of the strongest and best feelings and everyone deserves a smile on their face 🙂

You wake up and you are in your have to get up and go and see what will happen today,but sometimes you can’t find the strength to get up…sometimes you may be sad or you may don’t feel like going out…you just wanna stay in bed all day.When I was younger every day I used to push myself to get up..I didn’t wanna get up for different reasons every day.One day I got bored of all this so I invented something like a trick…Every day before I got up I was thinking the positive things I could do this day..the things that could make me happy..even if those things were something like buying a snack I wanted or a small walk.If I didn’t have planned something that day I would make one.This trick helped me so much and so does now…every time i don’t feel like getting up and going outside i remember the good things I’ll do today and this helps so much because you have something to wait for…you don’t care about the other bad things that happen that day because you have to wait for something good 🙂

So when you have a bad day and you don’t wanna leave your bed just think something positive,something you’ll do and you’ll like it,something that makes yourself happy…You deserve to be happy 🙂

I really hope i helped,even one of you..You can leave your tricks about being happy in the comments below or you can tell me if this helped you!!I’ll see you in my next post…Byeee

<3 <3

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