
Messy buns and ripped jeans

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Festival Guide!Essentials,outfits|-E

Hello!!So as you probably already know since summer is around the corner so are the festivals!I believe Coachella has already started and I am jealous (in a good way) of everyone that is there!!If you are going to be at a festival soon then I am going to help you find the right essentials and some good outfits or what clothe to get with you in general!! 🙂

Lets do this!!


It’s really important to get some specific things with you!

In your backpack you should have:

  • Hair ties
  • A flower crown (not that necessary but still a thing :p )
  • Camera -to capture the moments..better get a small digital one so that you wont loose it
  • Portable charger
  • Hair accessories (optional)
  • Sunscreen or body lotion
  • A jacket or a sweater -in case it gets cold-
  • Lip balm



The first outfit is a plain white tee,denim shorts and a floral kimono..Perfect for spring and summer!!


A sweater and some patterned shorts!


Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

A floral shirt,denim shorts,a bow and some knee-high socks!!


For the separate clothes we have some t-shirts that are really summery (someone should put that word in a dictionary!! :p ) and some shorts that have a lot of patterns on them!!

This was the post for today!!I really hope it gave you some inspiration and I hope you have a lot of fun if you are going to any festival!! ❤ If you are let me know 🙂



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How to be a morning person|-E

Heyy guys!!How are you feeling?
So everyone that know me well knows that I am definitely not a morning person.I never was and this was always a problem for school.Since now it’s summer I tend to sleep really late watching  series and all that kind of stuff and because of that I wake up really
late.The past years there wasn’t really a problem about that because I had nothing to do but this summer I have twice a week english lesson at 9 in the morning so I have to wake up earlier to get ready and do all that stuff I was really bored to do the day before -don’t pretend like you don’t do that-..So since this is impossible because now I am used to wake up late I have found some tips just to make it a little bit easier..If you are not a morning person just keep reading…but if you are keep reading too cause you never might have a friend who is like that 😉

Tip No.1 Prepare your clothes the night before
I have a spinning chair in my room and I lay the clothes I wanna
wear the next day soo that I wont spend too much time the next day
worrying about my outfit

Tip No.2 Decide what you are gonna do with your hair the next day
I always worry about my hair because I spend most of the time
trying to fix that bad hair because of Mr Bed.If you have curls that day
just put some hairspray and the are gonna stay for the next day.
If you have perfect natural hair then you are really lucky girlll

Tip No.3 Don’t put the same alarm sound every day
If you hear the same sound everyday your brain gets used to close
the alarm clock and go back to sleep.Try putting a different sound
every 4 days.
Little funny story:About two weeks ago my best friend came to
my house and we had a sleepover.We planned to go for a walk
the next day so I put an alarm clock and instead of my usual alarm
sound I put the song All the stars by Ed Sheeran because I thought
it was good to start your day but the thing that I didn’t realize is that
it was really loud,the loudest my phone can get so the next morning
I had the phone near me and the song started to play and we got really
scare :”)) Lesson:Always remember to look how loud the alarm clock is

Tip No.4 Prepare your bag the day before
I always be sure to do that so that I’ll have more time free in the

Tip No.5 Do something for yourself that morning
Just a small,really simple thing.Even if it’s music,playing with your
pet,eating something…

Tip No.6 Think something that you look forward that day
And if there’s not,make one.Read my post about that here

Tip No.7 Don’t think about anything bad
Whatever happened the days before,it happened.Don’t worry about that!
You have many hours that day to think that,not the moment you wake up.
You need to start thinking positive to start your day with happiness 😉
Tip No.8 Don’t go on social media,write your dreams
Most of the people in this world (included me) open their phone
and go on social media when they wake up.Don’t do that.It’s better
to just take a paper and try to remember your dreams and write them.
Tip No.9 Write those small things
If you have some free time take a paper and write the things you reminded
yourself to do the next morning but you actually didn’t.
Tip No.10 Do your homework the day before
I am that kind of person who leaves some things for the next morning
because I am too bored to do them but now I try and do everything
so that I’ll have more free time next day
Tip No.11 Go to bed half hour prior than usual
Everyone has heard the:Sleep earlier to get up earlier and even if it’s
really annoying it’s true.It’s not that easy to do.Try going to bed
half an hour prior your usual time every night.
Tip No.12 Take a relaxing shower the night before
If you sleep late and you try to sleep earlier but you just can’t go
and have a nice,relaxing shower.This will make you feel really sleepy and
help you relax easier

Did any of these helped you?Leave me a comment telling me your tips about getting up earlier.If you liked that post don’t forget to hit that like button and also if you have some seconds please click the follow button at the top and left of the page 🙂 Let me know if you want more how to posts and I’ll do them 🙂

see ya soon ❤ ❤ Byeee


If you made it that far comment below:Sleepy queens are still queens


Little things can work ;)

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Heyy guys!In this post I am gonna talk about little things that can bring happiness 🙂

   Almost everybody in this days has problems and every single one of them just wants to do something fun or do something that will make him happy.I believe that everybody needs to do something for themselves,just to make themselves happy!

My Tips On What To Do To Be Happy 🙂

I think that doing something that you like can make you really happy,even if it’s for just half an hour.You don’t have to do something big that you’ll have to spend money,like traveling.You can do something small that you enjoy doing it.

1.You can simply listen to music.10 minutes listening to the songs you like can make you escape from reality for a little.

2.If you like photography u can go out and take some pictures of something you see and you like.Or if you don’t want to go out you can have a small photoshoot and you can also invite your friends.

3.You can try different hairstyles to your hair.I do that a lot as you can see from the photo above.

4.You can cook something..Maybe dinner for your family or if you don’t know how to cook you can ask someone to teach you how to cook.

5.You can read a book.

6.You can also invite your friends to see a movie or u can ask them to go out for a walk.

7.Maybe draw something or do something you are good at or you just like to do

8.You can also go for a walk.

9.You can watch youtube videos

10.Or maybe you can read our blog :p

As you maybe understood doing small things that you like can bring you some happiness.I hope i helped ❤

Tags:happy,be happy,tips,little things can help,small things,something you like

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