
Messy buns and ripped jeans

-It's all about blogging-



#TumblrSummer|Bucketlist goal #1

Hello guys!Today we made another post together!!

We created a video that shows you some ideas on what to do this Summer!

This video is Tumblr inspired and we worked a lot on it so we hope you will like it.

Moreover,we thought that everytime that we achieve a goal from our Bucket list we would take pictures and make a post using the title Bucketlist goal # (the number of each post).

One last thing!2 days ago we had blog birthdayyy!!Yayyyy πŸ™‚ It has been a year since we first started blogging and this is sooo great!!Thank you for the experience and memories so far and for reading our blog!!Also,thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet so many new friends on here!If you just want to talk to us,don’t be shy..we would love to meet you ❀

So happy birthdayyy {?}

Enjoy ❀

We hope you like it!!Also if you want,subscribe to our channel ❀


-O & -E

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How to have the perfect Summer|45+ Tumblr ideas


Let’s get right into it πŸ˜‚ Summer is a few days away (I begin to say ”Summer is here” on the 1rst of June.Don’t know about u 😝) I began thinking about all my past summers.Even though I have a lot of great memories from those,I also remember me being bored half the time.You too?

I spent the couple past days trying to make a list of a lot of ideas of what you should do to have an awesome Summer!I tried to find ideas that weren’t that obvious and usual.I searched everywhere [tumblr,YouTube,we heart it,instagram and of course my mind] trying to get some ideas.I believe that most of the following activities will be in my Summer Bucketlist and I hope in yours too.I hope I will help you use the hashtag #perfectsummer in your instagram photos in a daily basis πŸ˜‚ But for real tho! [:p] Ohh,also I made some checklist photos you can save/screenshot so that you follow the bucketlist :))

Sooo,let’s create our bucketlist!


🌊Stop using social media (unless it’s for posting pics on instagram with cute hashtags 😏)

🌊Have a bonfire

🌊Dye your hair a weird/crazy color

🌊Make a video of your whole Summer

🌊Go somewhere you have never been before

🌊Start journalling (gotta keep those memories alive gurl)

🌊Prank your friends

🌊Have a color fight with your friends

🌊Spent a whole day at the beach


🌊Have a pool day ( or night *_*) (if you don’t hae a pool get a small one for kids)

🌊Spy random people (it’s sooo much fun.Especially if you make fake scenarios about ’em)

🌊Film a movie (your own scenario or just use a real one)

🌊Try all those challenges that are on YouTube with your friends

🌊Get your best friend and have a carpool karaoke

🌊Set up a little photo shoot

🌊Go camping

🌊Have a huge party in your backyard

🌊Meet strangers (you could call it ”make some friends” too.Sounds less creepy πŸ˜‚)

🌊Go to a festival

🌊Gather your friends and eat pizza (you can never go wrong with pizza)

🌊Go bowlling

🌊Ride a hot air balloon

🌊Go surfing

🌊Have a bathtub chat (a scene that every teen movie seems to put in :p)

🌊Put a bed mattress near a window or balcony (another teen movie essential)

🌊Have a water balloon fight

🌊Get a friend and paint each other’s face

🌊Go to a playground and sit with your friends in the swings at night (another movie thing but more of a thriller kind :P)

🌊Rent a trailer and go on a road trip

🌊Watch a movie in a car (possibly in the back of the car)

🌊Cook something with your bestie

🌊Go to a Luna park

🌊 Go on a trip by train

🌊Wake up early enough to watch the sunrise

🌊Climb a tree and watch the sunset from there

🌊Play video games (I found that by listening to Lana Del Rey’s song ”Video Games” :p)

🌊Organize a board game night

🌊Sleep in a hammock

🌊Get a shopping cart with your friends and run around taking photos

🌊Go skateboarding

🌊Recreate old photos of you and your friends/family

🌊Sleep on a trampoline

🌊Buy hellium balloons

🌊Write something with chalk on the sideways

🌊Go to a concert

Voila!This was itttt!!!I believe that this is one of my top 5 favorite posts.I love bucketlists but I have yet to find a really good one so I decided to make my own πŸ™‚ Also,if you want some more ideas watch this YouTube video (here)!It is really good and it’s the only one that helped me and I liked.

If you have any other weird/tumblr/crazy/fun ideas of what to do this Summer let me know so that I can try them πŸ™‚

Bye ❀


  • Cheklists

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Summer Guide|Essentials,things to do

Hello guys!!!Today we are bothΒ  [-EΒ  & -O]Β  writing this post (for the first time)!!This post is a collab with our friends Iman & Chloe.Go check their blog and posts out.They are great people and really good bloggers!!

Since summer is near,we’ve decided to write a post that will help you to get fully prepared for summer and get some of your boredom away!!Let’s begin…


1.Dry shampooΒ  [since you spent all day at the beach (or maybe its just us) you need something that will make your hair clean without having to wash everyday.Dry Shampoo is exactly what you need!]

2.Sunscreen [even though it’s obvious,sunscreen is an essential for Summer because you don’t want to walk around with red marks on your skin]

3.Bandana [it’s not really necessary but if you are going to any kind of festival you will find it a really good accessory]

4.Flash tattoos [it’s a great addition to your outfit *_*]


5.Sunglasses [most of the essentials are really basic but sometimes we forget the casual things and we remember the complicated (at least we do :p)]

6.Backpack+Fluffy ball keychain [a nice summery backpack is always a good thing for carrying things around and being comfortable at the same time.Especially now that those fluffy keychains are a trend,your backpacks will look wayyy cuter]


1.Beach Volley [all the sports that you can do at the beach are great and especially volleyball]

2.Go on a hike [explore new places at your city that you haven’t seen yet]

3.Eat ice cream [we know,we know it’s obvious but just try out now flavors]

4.Water sports [water sports are such a great thing to do if you spent a lot of time at the beach]

5.Road trip [why do I feel like every post mentions road trips :p]

6.Go camping [even if it is with you friends,family or with an organised program it will be great both ways]

So this was the post that we made together!Not bad for our first time writing together,huh?Make sure to check out Iman & Chloe ‘s post because you are gonna find a lot of great things there.They wrote a post on some really tasty and amazing healthy breakfast ideas!!

Our exams are almost here so we are not gonna post that regularly but we are gonna be back as soon as they are over :/ Are writing exams too or have you finished?

xoxo,-E & -O

{Give us a like for our first collab πŸ™‚ }

{P.s (2) Don’t forget to follow as on WordPress}

{P.s (3) Make sure to check our friends’ post.Don’t lie,go now!We see you still reading,goo ❀ }

{P.s (4) Let’s just stop putting P.s.}

{k bye <3}


Iman and Chloe’s post: here

Last post: here

Bloglovin’ : here

Twitter: here

Ξ™f you ever would be interested in working with us let us know!:)

Festival Guide!Essentials,outfits|-E

Hello!!So as you probably already know since summer is around the corner so are the festivals!I believe Coachella has already started and I am jealous (in a good way) of everyone that is there!!If you are going to be at a festival soon then I am going to help you find the right essentials and some good outfits or what clothe to get with you in general!! πŸ™‚

Lets do this!!


It’s really important to get some specific things with you!

In your backpack you should have:

  • Hair ties
  • A flower crown (not that necessary but still a thing :p )
  • Camera -to capture the moments..better get a small digital one so that you wont loose it
  • Portable charger
  • Hair accessories (optional)
  • Sunscreen or body lotion
  • A jacket or a sweater -in case it gets cold-
  • Lip balm



The first outfit is a plain white tee,denim shorts and a floral kimono..Perfect for spring and summer!!


A sweater and some patterned shorts!


Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

A floral shirt,denim shorts,a bow and some knee-high socks!!


For the separate clothes we have some t-shirts that are really summery (someone should put that word in a dictionary!! :p ) and some shorts that have a lot of patterns on them!!

This was the post for today!!I really hope it gave you some inspiration and I hope you have a lot of fun if you are going to any festival!! ❀ If you are let me know πŸ™‚



P.S. If you like our posts,follow us on wordpress or on Bloglovin’!!It would mean a lot to us ❀ ❀


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Twitter: here

Bloglovin’: here


It’s a bad habit|Summer clothing haul

Hey guys πŸ‰ How are y’all?

So if you read my blog you know that I went to see my grandma for a week some weeks ago and if you don’t read my blog now you know it πŸ˜‚ While I was there I had to do some shopping.I am kinda late because there have passed a lot of days since I bought them but I tried enough for the photos of the post and I am still not pleased but I wanted to write this post soo…here it is..Please let me know if you liked it because I wanna know if I should make more of them or less πŸ˜‰

I know it’s August now and we have one month until fall comes but Seasons don’t decide my clothes,I decide them (let’s take a minute to appreciate my amazing speech πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

Winter clothes

I feel really awkward because in the title it says summer haul and I started with winter clothesπŸ˜‚ Let’s face it,I am really smart today πŸ˜‚ In the end let’s all count how many times I used the πŸ˜‚ emoji.Sooo,every shop was full with summer clothes since it’s summer but some shops had some winter clothes and since fall is coming I thought i’d get some.

I loooove this this sweater sooo much!!Favorite winter cloth for this winter 😍
I loooove this sweater sooo much!!Favorite winter cloth for this winter 😍
You can't really see it that well but you would love it f you could see it face to fabric..haha got it?face to face/face to fabric?πŸ˜‚ Okay someone has to tell me to stop telling silly jokes thinking I am funny
You can’t really see it that well but you would love it f you could see it face to fabric..haha got it?face to face/face to fabric?πŸ˜‚ Okay someone has to tell me to stop telling silly jokes thinking I am funny
This is a gift from my grandma and I hate the fact that some days beore she gave me I went to that shop and I didn't see it
This is a gift from my grandma and I hate the fact that some days before she gave it to me I went to that shop and I didn’t see it
Some photos so you can see closer the pics on the t shirt
Some photos so you can see closer the pics on the t-shirt


Sorry for the bad lighting bad I wanted you to see this quote
Sorry for the bad lighting but I wanted you to see this quote


A lot of the clothes I got were full with flowers..
A lot of the clothes I got were full with flowers..
Plane blue t shirt but it's oversized so I like it
Plane blue t-shirt but it’s oversized so I like it
I love thisss!!
I love thisss!!
I know that this is one of the most simple ones but it's my favorite out of all the summer clothes I bought because of the quote it has on it -look below-
I know that this is one of the most simple ones but it’s my favorite out of all the summer clothes I bought because of the quote it has on it -look below-
I love the quotes that talk about ''she''..if you know any of them please let me know
I love the quotes that talk about ”she”..if you know any of them please let me know
This is also a gift from my grandma
This is also a gift from my grandma


The time that I took the photos I was wearing soo..
The time that I took the photos I was wearing it soo..
it has sooo many different patterns on it but i feel like they fit together
In every shop I went there where striped clothes everywhere
In every shop I went there where striped clothes everywhere
I didn't really like the colour at first but know I do
I didn’t really like the colour at first but know I do

Only one on its category

It's a kimono.I had the jumpsuit from before but I put them there to show you exactly how I wore the kimono
It’s a kimono.I had the jumpsuit from before but I put them there to show you exactly how I wore the kimono
a little bit closer
a little bit closer


ahhh I was looking everywhere for one of these and I finally found it
ahhh I was looking everywhere for one of these and I finally found it
I lovee itt!!I feel like I am gonna use it everywhere <33
I lovee itt!!I feel like I am gonna use it everywhere <33
if you watch it more carefully it has a fake ice effect
if you watch it more carefully it has a fake ice effect



I also got the ”steal like an artist” but I don’t have a photo of it

Random Stuff

these are aromatic wooden balls..they smell amazing!!
these are aromatic wooden balls..they smell amazing!!

a lipliner
a lipliner
I got a journal that has an amazing quote on it,the glass I showed you and a new glasses' case because the other one broke
I got a journal that has an amazing quote on it,the glass I showed you and a new glasses’ case because the other one broke
these are just some stamps
these are just some stamps
And a dry shampoo
And a dry shampoo









Sooo this was it :)) Did you like that kind of post??Please let me know even if you didn’t..Also tell me other posts that you wanna see from me ❀


Happiness is a day at the beach!

Heyyy!!Today was a sunny and really hot day..soo we decided to go to the beach for the first time this year!At first the sea was a little bit cold but after a few minutes we got used to it and it was amazing!!The sea was so clear and we had a great time.We had fun πŸ™‚ I also took some photos of the beach and the way back home..

At the beach…

The sea was amazing *_*
The sea was amazing *_*

On the road…

Don't know why..I just liked it :)
Don’t know why..I just liked it πŸ™‚
The car was moving too fast to take photos!I tried though 😝
The car was moving too fast to take photos!I tried though 😝

Beach is one of the things i love in summer!!Something fun you can do everyday 😏 I thought I’d make a summer life hacks post.What do you think? See ya in my next post!!Byeee πŸ’

xxx,-E watercolor_23_by_SadMonkeyDesign_res (2)

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